EDU Arduino API
Data Fields
ketCube_Arduino_API_t::PWM Struct Reference

KETCube PWM API. More...

Data Fields

PWM_init_t init
 Inititalize PWM function. More...
PWM_tone_t tone
 Generates a square wave of the specified frequency. More...

Detailed Description


Field Documentation

◆ init

PWM_init_t ketCube_Arduino_API_t::PWM::init

Inititalize PWM function.

◆ tone

PWM_tone_t ketCube_Arduino_API_t::PWM::tone

Generates a square wave of the specified frequency.

freqfrequency in kHz
durationtone duration in ms
mutemute time following the tone in ms
tones are queued, you can call this function up to 8 times (until you fill the queue) - the tones will be produced sequentialy. If you call this function more than 8 times before queue is freed, (some) tones will be lost